
Day 7 Arrange Your Environment

Still 134.0 lbs :/

I know I shouldn't be disappointed but I cant help it, just kinda feel I working a lot and getting a little. But then I think, ... HEY!! Ive lost like 4 lbs in 4 days!! My goal was to lose 1 lb per week so I have no right to complain. :)

 Today is Beef and Tomato day!! :) I was waiting for this day but ended up really disappointed. See I don't really like beef or steak that much, but I had prepared these streaks in herbs and spices. I  thought that the lack of meat would get me to enjoy the steaks... but no. Was kind of a disappointment.

So I went out later and got some beef meatballs and made them with a tin  of tomatoes. That was kinda of nice but it seemed like an anti-climax. Did not go to the gym but went for a really long walk which was awesome :) I feel good about that.

 My Boyfriend came over and ate my steak and some of my meatballs. :) As per usual, I love him. We watched some movies... let me see.... they were... Pyjama Girls and Horrible Bosses. Pyjama Girls is a documentary about a culture rising up in Dublin where girls/women from lower class/income estates wear pyjamas everywhere, at home, going to the shops, hanging out with friends. Everywhere. Ill link the trailer below. Often times they are associated with anti social behaviour, drugs and laziness. This documentary takes you deeper into it and shows you the behind the scenes. It was very interesting.

The second movie we watched was Horrible Bosses, which ironically was recommended to me by my lovely bosses. The film was good it was very funny, and I can see why its so popular. I do think that Jeniffer Anistons character was not integrated well enough with the rest of the plot and that the main action of the film happened way too late and should have been earlier to give the plot more time to develop. But all in all it was a great night :) trailer below:


********** Updated 21/01/12

The Beck Diet Solution

Day 7 Arrange Your Environment

It is now time to clear the home of Junk. So I have gone through all my cupboards, shelves and fridge and thrown out, or hidden, carbs, chocolate or any other tempting junk. I know that it would set me up for failure to have this around so I need to get rid of it, I threw it out and stocked up on healthy, fruit, veg and low carb foods. At work I cleared my desk of sugar, honey and replaced them with sweetener. Also I got rid of chocolate and fatty foods and replaced them with rivita crackers.

I have replaced the yogurt in the fridge with a low fat version, stocked up on fresh fruit and veg. I added low fat dressings and condiments as well as low calorie snack options like crackers, dark chocolate, air popped popcorn and low sugar squash. I am sure as time goes by I'm sure avoiding bad choices will become easier.... at least I hope...

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