
Day 17 End Overeating

Guess what weight I am today???? Still 130.2 ...

So this morning I got up super early again, I cant wait to get used to it as I am having to drag myself out of bed at the moment. But... this morning I did a class called Boxercise. I don't like hitting things or people. I really didn't think I would like it, the only reason I did it was because it is the only class that's on. But I really kind of enjoyed it, I mean I still don't like the hitting things and people and such, but I was sweating and working hard. That was good.

In Boxercise there is a lot of circuit work, so there are three different types of punching bags, a station with burpees, sit ups, push ups and set ups. Its based on doing 45 seconds at each station in a circuit. Later we were put into teams and did the circuit again, but this time between every station one person would hold pads whilst the other punched them. The next time we do the circuit its the other persons turn to hold the pads.

Otherwise... there is not much going on still eating the same foods, trying to walk to places rather than using public transport. Really looking forward to starchy foods again :)

* Today I had two thick slices of sour dough bread. I'm not allowed carbs, but a guy from work made it especially for me. I stayed within my calorie expenditure so I'm sure its ok, but since I haven't been losing I hope I don't gain weight for tomorrow.

********** Updated 22/01/12

The Beck Diet Solution

Day 17 End Overeating

So today is all about tackling one of my main issues 'over eating'. I could eat and eat and eat and eat! However for the last 17 days I have learned a lot of self control, but I am not sure whats going to happen once I get off the plan and don't have 'healthy' food 100% of the time. I will have pasta and carbs again so my challenge is making a sustainable change.

I guess here are some steps that I can try if I do over eat. For one I have to understand that if I over eat its not the end of the world. It doesn't mean that the diet is over or that Ive failed so I should give up. I have to let it go and make sure it doesn't happen again, I have to hop back on the wagon and continue eating well. Maybe go to the gym as a consequence or stop eating carbs for a day or two.

Secondly, if I want to over eat I have to make the choice to not do it by looking back on my progress and how far I've come. I never want to go back to being small and pudgy. Over eating is not helpful on my path to lean and short :)

Also if I feel the need to over eat and cannot stop myself I have to try and make a healthy choice. Not chips, crisps or chocolate, but fruit, veg, egg or lean protein.

From this diet I can see the difference of not being hungry and more and being super full. I now know when to stop eating and I know its not when I'm stuffed. I know this because I know I could eat more, but I also know that I don't need more. Its all about slowing down and listening to my body.

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