
Day 11 Differentiate between hunger, desire and cravings


I'm still 131.4 :) :) :) :)

Right now I'm so happy.

So today... I don't have much to say about today. I stuck to everything that was in my meal plan. I went to the gym. I hope I haven't gained again as I feel pretty bloated right now, but I did just have my dinner. I would love a tiny little loss, just to let me know I'm doing everything ok.  So .. peach out! Ill let you know how I got on tomorrow.

********** Updated 21/01/12

The Beck Diet Solution

Day 11 Differentiate between hunger, desire and cravings

Today's chapter is about getting to know your body and mind better. Knowing when you are hungry or you are just craving something I have always struggled with, I usually eat what I want when I want! No More!!!  Judith asks to employ the 20 minute rule, since it takes the brain 20 minutes to notice if the stomach is full.

The idea is to recognise when you have a hunger/craving feeling and to wait 20 minutes to see if it is indeed hunger or if it is actually just a craving. That way mistakes can be avoided. She asks to keep a hunger chart. For some reasons I have never liked these. I will keep a mental note but I probably will not write the info down. I think this task today will be helpful.

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