
Day 40 Make a New To Do List

I'm 122.6 lbs (down 0.2 :))

Today is a carb-day so it began with the gym followed by a bowl of porridge with blueberries. The other carbs I've eaten are 2 baby potatoes for lunch with Mince quorn, low fat sour cream and kidney beans YUMMY. I loved it, but I still always feel guilty after.

Otherwise I'm good, legs are a little sore but not like last week. Ill have no probs with spinning in the morning. I would like a loss before Sunday to add to my weekly total but we'll see. I'm looking forward to valentines next week, I've already decided to cheat a little. Having pancakes for breakfast and going out for dinner. Going to try and keep the carbs to a minimum.

The Beck Diet Solution

Make a New To Do List

This has got my attention, I am forever making to do lists...and its definitely about time I get back on track and stop my little cheats and such. Today is about making a list of all the things that I would like to accomplish during and after the time that I lost my weight.

- Take Pole Dancing Lessons
- Buy some sexy Lingerie
- Go to America
- Actually do some photography

Well, there are some things I would like to do. The book then asks you to try and get started on one of the steps as soon as possible. Why wait until the diet is done? So a mate is coming over tomorrow to discuss our America plans, I am also heading to the darkroom to process some film and lastly I have purchased a voucher for some pole dancing classes that I will put to use soon :).

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